
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Favorite Finds & Favorite Girl

I'm linking up again today with Hart & Sew's Little Vintage Style.  But since I've shown so many photos of Avery lately, I thought I'd show you a couple of my favorite recent finds, just for some fun eye candy.

I suppose these pieces of doll furniture can't actually be considered "finds", since I got them both off Ebay (I sort of think of a "find" as something I find at a thrift store), but I still love them so!  I found the high chair a couple years ago, and just couldn't pass up the matching doll bed when it popped up a few weeks ago.  I have got such an obsession with vintage doll furniture, seriously! 

Currently, I don't have them out where Avery can get to them, because they're a little delicate, but I still have high hopes she'll share my love for these sorts of things one day!

 And so here she is for this week's Little Vintage Style

She's wearing a little hand-smocked Polly Flinders top that is actually made to go over a red dress.

But the dress is long-sleeved, and we are definitely not having the weather for that here in Florida!!

 Red shoes would have completed the outfit perfectly, but alas, she doesn't have any that fit right now...

It's fun to share her little vintage outfits here.  Nobody in my "real life" understands this sort of thing!!!


  1. Oh, how I adore Polly Flinders!

    Your little one is so her little piggy- tails!

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    She is gorgeous, I love the piggy tails!
    I always jump for joy when I find a little dress with a 'topper'. It feel like I get double the outfits.

    And those dolly treasures are just lovely. Can I come to your house to play?

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I think blogger ate my comment, but I had to come back and say how lovely she looks and I adore you vintage dolly stuff. What fun!

  4. She looks like such a sweetie. I think they need to make a top like that in my size though cos it's just like something i would wear :)

  5. she has such big pretty eyes! and i love the doll furniture too :)

  6. Avery is gorgeous, why wouldn't you show so many pictures of her? love her small style.
    great finds also.


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