
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Little Vintage Style, Once Again....

As you can tell, I haven't been the craftiest lately.  I haven't been super-motivated to do art projects, thus yet another post of Avery photos for Little Vintage Style!  At least Stacy's keeping me motivated to keep my little girly looking cute!

Well, gone are the days when I could just set her down in a little chair and shoot away with my camera!  She definitely had her own opinions today, as shown in the above photo.  She did not want to give me a nice, timeless pose in the grass or by the trees to show off her little vintage top...

She wanted to hold the Frisbee...

...or ride her brother's bike (not really, but she likes to pretend!)...

 ...or push a bike...

...or pull a wagon...

But finally she cheered up and gave me a few really sweet poses and expressions without the colorful, plastic props!

That's my little sweetie!!  Her top is from the thrift store, as are her jeans and shoes, although only the top is vintage.  Thanks for indulging me with all these photos lately!


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Awww she is such a doll! I love the matching bow and shoes - just perfect!

  2. I think I missed the memo about pairing jeans with the most adorable tops today? yep! Just adorable...

  3. if i came across that top it would be a keeper!


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