
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Lots of Pictures of Lots of Pretty Things!

This is one of my bookcases in my studio.  Not many books in there, I'm afraid!  But what is in there is part of my collection of vintage dolly furniture!  And scattered amongst the pieces are some of my birthday presents.  When I saw this listing on Etsy, I emailed my husband and told him that I wouldn't ask for anything else if I could get it for my birthday.  Well, good husband that he is, he got it for me!  You can see the pieces a little better below, as I tried to take some better close-up shots of the individual shelves.

I know I've mentioned it before, but I have just got such a weakness for vintage dolls and doll furniture, especially if there is a sweet decal on it!  And as I said, this is only part of my collection!  These are the smaller pieces that can fit in a bookcase. I'll have to take photos of some of my other pieces soon...

I also got the dolly with green hair in the photo above, from my mother.  So adorable!   I just love the green hair-so unusual in a vintage doll!

These are all the vintage handmade dolls I've collected, with the exception of the one I made Avery from a vintage pattern.  I just love the embroidered faces and the cute hairstyles.

This final photo shows my last cute birthday present, also from my mother- the doll wardrobe! Love, love, love! It wouldn't fit into my studio right now, so it is residing in Avery's room. Although I may have to steal it back soon, because I love it so much!

And I'm linking up again with Hart & Sew's Little Vintage Style this week!

  Avery got to try out her little duck dress- so sweet!

Big brothers also got in on the act, although no vintage on those boys!  But they are sitting on vintage chairs, so does that count???

Riley's going through a little bit of the "five-year-old-who-doesn't-know-how-to-smile-naturally" stage right now- can't you tell?

And finally, some artwork I've been meaning to post for a while....

  A little spread about Avery's love of shoes!

And the cover of her latest journal!

Hope you're all having a great week!  School's out here, so we're doing our best to fill our days with craft projects, workbooks, puzzles, you name it, just as long as everyone's not fighting!


  1. Thank you for my Avery fix!!!
    It was nice to see Noah and Riley too: The Fab Three. I hope Avery inherits your love of vintage... she'll treasure all those dolls. (Her dress is adorable.)

    Colette xoxo

  2. I just love your vintage decor and how you dress your adorable Daughter up like a vintage dolly:0)

    Sandy xox

  3. what an amazing doll collection!!! and your kiddos are too cute!

  4. That duck dress is soo amazing (and she is such a doll in it). I just checked out your previous post where you scored all that loot...holy jealousy! I don't even have a little girl but I have two bins (and they are overflowing these days) of vintage girls clothes. Lord better send me a girl to dress as cute as your Avery or I don't know WHAT I'll do!

  5. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Goodness me - what an amazing load of goodies in this post!
    I love love love your vintage dollies and all the dolly goodies. And Avery's dress is super cute too, I especially love the first black and white pic of her.

  6. what a fun collection! i wish i could look at each piece closely, it looks amazing. and avery is adorable as always, love the ducks!

  7. That dress is so cute! Especially on such a lovely little lady. :)

    That's so cool that you create journals for your kiddos. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. what a beautiful collection ou have.
    Avery looks like a little vintage doll that belongs with your others. she is so sweet. and so are your boys.

  9. beautiful pictures!! I love the vintage look :)

  10. I love your daughter's little vintage dress and your collection! Just beautiful!

  11. Adorable! And I love the colors in all your pictures!


  12. oh, dear, fighting. Seriously, I know this.

    So, may I ask, what you use to adhere your fabric to the covers of your book. Love this cover. I just pulled out your book the other night. I had not looked at it in some time, and I am just so in love, still, with some of the pieces. I feel such a connection with some of these. The themes, and the internal struggles, which I think most woman share.

  13. I love the action in the photos! You're right, there lots of pretty pictures!!

  14. That dolly stuff just made me so happy! Your children are so cute too!


  15. Love your vintage bookcase, your dolls, everything it's adorable!
    Your kiddos are sooo cute! Love your daughters vintage dress too!
    Lovely post!

  16. Hi Corey!
    I saw your gorgeous work on Flickr and had to pop over to your blog and get caught up! Everything is gorgoues and your children are so precious. Your book is STILL my favorite of all-time. Hope you're having a wonderful summer.


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