
Saturday, August 20, 2011


With summer close to being over (or I guess I should say "with school close to starting..."), I'm itching to get back to art-making.  I've done almost no artwork over the last few months.  The kids all being home just makes things so busy, so even when I've got a break from them, I usually just want to veg out and catch up on my DVR backup vs. get into the studio to create.

Once school starts back, both boys will be occupied five mornings a week, and Avery will be occupied two mornings a week, which will leave me a lot more down-time.  Hopefully I'll feel more relaxed and in the mood to create when the opportunity presents itself.

One thing I'm inspired to do is try out some new colors.  All my paintings tend to have the same color palette, even though I actively try to branch out.  I've been pinning lots of inspiring color combinations on my Pinterest.  Oh, there are so many masters of color out there!  Some really beautiful color groupings that I've found...  I hope that after some work, my paintings will be on somebody else's pinboard for their color palette!

Until then, I've got some dollhouse playing to do!


  1. I live your pinrest! I didn't know about that fancy tool. Good fav pics!

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Your work space looks amazing!

  3. Your studio is great! Very inspiring!! Mine is filled with junk and boxes right now...wah! Always a million other things to do, but you make me want to pretty it up!


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