
Thursday, September 01, 2011

"New" Coffee Table

Do you remember this photo from a few posts ago?  Now look at the photo below, and see if you can tell what's different....

 That's right!  I painted our table!  It was so glaring white before, so I changed it up a bit in order to blend with the room a little better.  The table was a $15 thrift store find from a couple months ago, but I just loved the lines of it, and knew it would suit our needs really well.

 I painted the bottom section a lavender/pinkish tone,

and the top a warm taupe-y color.

 I then went over the whole thing with sandpaper and an antiquing glaze.

So far it meets the approval of all those who use it on a daily basis!  After all, those little chairs wouldn't be there if we didn't want it to get some use!

I'm still working on the rest of the room- my next task is to find some fabric I like to replace our current drapes.  Once that's done, I'll show you the rest of the room!


  1. Love the job you did on it. It's much softer. And more vintage!

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Oh it's darling! I love the whole room!

  3. I lo e it antiqued! Looks great!

  4. I like that your coffee table is a kids play table! Love the sweet little school chairs and the original art on the walls.


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