
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, yesterday I turned the big 39, and as you can see, I am celebrating with a new blog design!  Don't ask me why it has taken me so long to do this-that old Blogger template was just not cutting it for sure!  Erika at The Fairy Blogmother worked with me to come up with the design, and I love it!

For my birthday, I got some really nice goodies, which I haven't had a chance to display yet.  But above is a sneak peek of them all piled in a box!  I also had a chance to work on a piece of artwork.  Every year on my birthday, I do a piece of art- it's become an annual tradition.  I wasn't able to quite finish it though, so I'll post photos once I'm done.

Since I was so busy being pampered and catered to (ha ha- reality check- I've got three kids, so birthdays aren't what they used to be!), but anyway, I didn't have a chance to post my Little Vintage Style photos yesterday. (I'm also linking up with Small Style)  So here ya go!

 Avery had a chance to wear her new (vintage) bubble romper, and it is so adorable!

After we played outside, she decided she wanted to make some tea for us!


And just so you see how our whole life isn't beautiful vintage backdrops, here's the reality of what she looked like most of the day- Buzz Lightyear and Big Brother's Crocs!

I'll share photos soon of my birthday goodies and birthday painting!


Lil Muse Lily said...

happy belated birthday. i will be turning the big 39 this december as well.
i like your birthday tradition of doing an art piece every birthday. i may have to borrow that. ;)

Avery looks beautiful as always. love her kitchen. we are in the market for one for Lily

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, love. She has the most amazing eyes!


Daniele Valois said...

oh my, your blog looks incredible!!! wowowowowoww! I want a new nice blog!

Happy birthday. And I really want to know where to get those blue sandals Avery is wearing. darling!

ElizabethMJaocb said...

I love the buzz light year wings :)

Morgan said...

Avery is gorgeous! I love the romper and the navy bow and shoes are the perfect compliment.

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a fabulous day, although I agree, birthdays are definitely a lot different when you have kids to take care of.

Love the blog layout!

s a n s k u :) said...

happy birthday! man, everyone's younger than me. :)

Anonymous said...

You are seriously killing me with the cuteness - the romper, the pigtails, the shoes - oh those perfect shoes!
Even the sneak peek at the box of goodies has me desperately wanting to see more.

And a big happy birthday to you! Your new look is just lovely.

Joy for the Journey said...

Hi, there! It's been a while since I visited and I love what you've done with the place - lol! Even more beautiful than ever. Your photos are breath-taking, and your art is inspirational. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!

Stacy Hart said...

happy birthday! the blog looks great, and avery is so so so so cute in that romper!!!

A bird in the hand said...

Happy Birthday, Corey. Your new blog design is perfect. And thank you for more photos of Avery. She lifts my spirits. She's heart-breakingly beautiful in a tender way.