
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fun Finds for the Future

My sister is borrowing my camera this week, so I can't take any photos of Avery wearing vintage for Little Vintage Style.  And frankly, I'm running out of vintage clothes that fit her right now!  I'm surprised I've had enough to post almost every week!  Coming into cooler weather, she'll have a whole "new" long-sleeved wardrobe though- I can't wait! 

It seems that almost all the vintage I find is size 2T though.  Once she outgrows that size, her vintage wardrobe will greatly diminish, sadly...  Which is why I was so pleased to find these three pieces, all color-coordinated, and all found within about a week of each other! They are all larger, for I'd guess a four or five year old.  It will be a while before they fit, but once they do, oh, so cute!

 This is my favorite, a perfect little schoolgirl dress!  I love the rick rack trim!

 And an adorable sailor dress.  Can't have too many of those!

And how about this coat??  So perfect, right?  It's handmade, and done so nicely.

Complete with the most perfect polka-dot lining.  Sigh... if only it came in my size!

Now, I just hope that she doesn't have opinions about what she wants to wear by the time these fit her!  Or, if she does, that they match my own opinions- ha ha!


My Vintage Mending said...

Oh how I wish I could squeeze into those. Gorgeous little creations....well made no doubt. Even cute hanging on the little vintage hanger. Smiles...Renee

Manda said...

Oh - that coat!! So lovely!

elizabeth said...

Love all of these finds! That first dress is just beautiful! It is harder to find things in the bigger sizes. I usually end up shopping at other Etsy seller stores for my oldest since I don't have much luck. :)

A bird in the hand said...

Amazing finds. The sailor dress is so precious -- Little Miss Chanel!! xoxo

gabrielle said...

great finds, i especially love the coat with the polka dot lining.It does get harder as they get bigger, I end up making Harriet dresses and skirts from vintage fabric and patterns more than actually finding her vintage to wear.

Anonymous said...

Oh such sweet loveliness! They are all adorable but that coat is something very special.

As for vintage goodies - I am struggling to even find size 2's! It seems as though all the sweet little summer dresses I find are baby sizes or 18 months at best.

Stacy Hart said...

they are all so sweet! i agree with everyone, it's harder to find older sizes in vintage. do you sew? i love sewing vintage patterns, i have a few dresses i want to sew up soon. if you find a pattern you like we can do a sew-a-long!

sew grown said...

I love the navy dress and coat! Great finds!