
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Fun in Front of a Wall!

This week, I had two helpers for our "Little Vintage Style" photos.  I bribed them into doing this on our way to the park to play!  We stopped at the grocery store by our house, and drove around back to find a good backdrop.  The guys taking care of the lawn gave us some strange looks, but the kids thought it was fun!

 "Okay, everyone smile!"

 "Now do something silly!"  Notice how Avery is trying to mimic big brothers' arms!

"Now everyone jump!"  I actually was able to catch one photo where all of their feet were off the ground all at once!


 Those are everyone's best jumping shots!

Avery was wearing a sweet vintage sailboat top that I found thrifting last week.  As you can tell, it will probably only be worn once, since it's pretty small for her, but it was too sweet to pass up!

She simply loves doing anything with her big brothers!

Catch the other cute kiddos here and here this week!


Anonymous said...

I love those jump shots!
I wouldn't have been able to pass up the top either. Even if it only gets worn once it is too cute to have left behind.

ps, sorry I never reply to your comments on my blog. You don't seem have email enabled.

MissShapes said...

Those are great shots! I love your sweet little family. :-)

elizabeth said...

Awww, love 'em all!

Mel said...

hullo again! Those are some sweet jumping beans you got there.. so fun!
Mel :o)

Lil Muse Lily said...

great photos. they are all lovely!

Unknown said...

That's a clever back drop and your kids are just too cute :)

Sandy xox

Stacy Hart said...

hee hee, so fun!!!