
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Look Who's Two!

 Yes, Miss Avery turned two today!  She is a bundle of personality- curious, dramatic, funny, adorable, lovable, and I'm so glad she's mine!!

I always do a photoshoot of the kids on their birthdays.  Please indulge me as I show off my beautiful girl!

We had two different "photoshoots" today, thus the outfit change!

Playing on the new playground Daddy just finished building!

And although I got lots of nice, smiling photos, I also got my share of those like the one above.  I thought this one was particularly funny, since she's standing by the sign that says, "I'm 2".  Believe me, this child is already well into the Terrible Twos, with tantrums galore!

However, she also gave me some wonderful little jumping photos next to her sign.  (Try as I might, I could not get her to hold the sign, so propping it next to her had to suffice!)

All in all though, some sweet photos of my sweet, sweet girl!

(pink dress is from TJMaxx, gray tutu from BabyGap, lavender tank from Walmart, and gray flower from Michael's dollar section)

 And, as promised, here is the topsy-turvy doll I made for Avery's birthday.  This is the sleeping side...

...and this is the awake side.

She turned out really cute, and the pattern wasn't too difficult to follow, unlike other vintage patterns I've used.

So far, Avery unfortunately hasn't shown much interest in her, but I can't say I expected otherwise.  She just isn't a "babydoll" girl yet.  Hopefully, she'll grow into it, and if not, I'm happy to keep the doll all to myself- ha ha!!

Hope everyone's having a good summer's end.  I can't believe school starts next week- Riley's headed off to kindergarten, and I'm secretly freaking out- how did my baby get to be so big???


My Vintage Mending said...

How cute is she...I loved two it was three that was a bother...Loving the topsy doll. Cannot tell you how many cute props I bought to make the shot and none of my kids would cooperate. Happy day! Smiles...Renee

elizabeth said...

All the photos are so beautiful! The doll turned out so well...LOVE.
We got my youngest her first doll around 2, and she showed little interest then. But now around 2.5 she plays with her all the time.
And I'm having a hard time with the kindergarten thing too. We can secretly freak out together. :)
~ Elizabeth

A bird in the hand said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite little girl ever!! Kisses and cupcakes. I so love her tutu. I so love her. Thank you Mom & Dad for creating her.

Manda said...

Happy Birthday to Avery! Love the photos. That one of her crying next to the "I'm 2" sign is amazing!! I love that tutu skirt. {My niece has a pink one!}
Love, love that sweet little doll you made!

sew grown said...

The doll looks so cute! I love it! Avery is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miss Avery!
Two is so fun and fabulous just like you!
Great photos Corey. I love the jumping ones with the little chalkboard sign - just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to say how much I love the dolly. She is beautiful - the perfect keepsake.

erica @ expatriababy said...

Indulge you! Ha! Indulge me! I adore these photos of your girl. They are really beautiful. A real inspiration. A happy birthday Miss A.
Also, the grey tutu outfit is beautiful. Sort of a take on the ombre trend. Love it.

erica @ expatriababy said...

Indulge you! Ha! Indulge me! I adore these photos of your girl. They are really beautiful. A real inspiration. A happy birthday Miss A.
Also, the grey tutu outfit is beautiful. Sort of a take on the ombre trend. Love it.

Shannon said...

That doll is amazing! Beautiful work. said...

Happy birthday to your sweet beautiful girl. I am loving all the ruffles and the little dollies!

Mel said...

oh my good gracious.. she's just too adorable - even when wailing! Love your captures - great stuff as always. Happy Birthday #2 Avery!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

love the tantrum shot... i've been snapping a lot of those of my 2 year old lately... dresses are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Honey, I'm so happy for you. You know why? Because I read your book and loved it. AND resonated with your desire for a daughter. Now you have one (so do I!), and she has the most amazing eyes. Wow! Congrats for making it to 2 years with your baby. You continue to be one of the artists who inspires me the most!

Amy in CA

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday to your sweet little angel!!!

Sandy xox

Unknown said...

Adorable pictures! I love the 3rd one down. The doll is also adorable, I'm sure she'll love it when she gets a little bit older.

Daniele Valois said...

I adore those 2 year old pics, and the chalk board! Was it hard to get her to stay still at all. I had the hardest time during my little two-year old shoot! Lovely everything, as always!

mj said...

So cute! I've been looking for a pattern for the s doll! Where can I find it? I had one just like that when I was a little girl!

Corey Moortgat said...

Thanks, MU! I got the pattern off Ebay. Search under Topsy Turvy Doll Pattern.

Joyce said...

I just love the Topsy/Turvey doll you made for your daughter. What caught my eye is the pattern. It looks like the same doll pattern that my mother-in-law used to make a (boy) doll w/quilt for my husband some 65 years ago. She stitched both the doll and quilt by hand. Do you have the pattern info so I know which pattern to get from eBay? Thanks so much.

Corey Moortgat said...

Hi Joyce, I just searched ebay and it's under "Vintage Awake & Asleep Baby Doll Pattern ~ Topsy Turvy Upside Down" Hope that helps!