
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Little Schoolgirl

My baby started preschool yesterday!  Just two days a week for 4 hours, but still.  Her birthday falls just two week before the cutoff, so I hesitated even signing her up, but I think she'll really enjoy it.  And her class is made up of almost all girls, so she'll get some great girly time in there to counteract all the boy time at our house!  I'll make a dolly-lover out of her yet, I tell ya!

Noah started Pre-K as well, which means I've got two mornings a week with no kids in the house!  Whatever shall I do with myself?!

I've been saving her vintage dress (thrifted) for just this occasion, because I thought it was such a perfect little "first day of school" outfit.  I'm so glad it fit at the right time!  Add her little ruffled socks and brown suede maryjanes (thrifted as well), and I was just dying over the cuteness!

Linking up with Little Vintage Style and Small Style this week. Hope over and see the other stylish kids!


A bird in the hand said...

The photo of the two of them is precious. Noah looks calm and Avery looks almost excited. A happy first day to both!

elizabeth said...

Perfect first day dress! Enjoy your little bit of quiet time. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no - she can't be that big already! But look how completely adorable she is. Her outfit is just perfect.
Your preschool must start a year earlier than ours. Here the children need to be three and because our school year starts in Feb it means Kitty won't go until she is 3 and a half!

gabrielle said...

that is the perfect 1st day of school outfit, the wee white bobby socks are too cute especially with the pigtails

Lauren Rose said...

Aww that dress is perfection on your little girl! Such a great find!

Lil Muse Lily said...

that is definitely the perfect dress for her first day of school. they are both adorable!

Manda said...

Such a perfect, sweet little first day of school dress!! I love it! And the two of them together holding sweet!!

My Vintage Mending said...

Just a darling set of photos...I have similar ones with the two older boys. My darling daughter wore a vintage dress on her first day of school your fashion sense...smiles...Renee

Colleen @ Mommy Panda said...

Oh, you were so right to save the dress for the first day of school; adorable!!!

tracy@sellabitmum said...

Oh that sweet dress is so perfect!

Stacy Hart said...

oh she looks so cute, i love that dress! hope she likes her class, she wins best dressed i my book!

Stacy Hart said...

oh she looks so cute, i love that dress! hope she likes her class, she wins best dressed i my book!

Chelsea Ann said...

this is going to sound really weird... but how in the world is she in pre-school? I swear she was just a baby yesterday!? She is so precious! HUGS! ~ Chelsea Ann