I know, I'm a bit late on the new year wishes, but better late than never, right? There's been a lot going on here lately, which makes it difficult to be very productive. But things are getting back to normal finally, so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I've got a lot of ideas swirling around in my head lately, but it's just a matter of having the time and energy to take action on them!
One thing I'm doing lately is a little minor rearranging/redecorating. Here is my first project, a new arrangement of artwork on the wall of our great room.
I made the two silhouettes in the arrangement of the two kids. Although more often than not, Riley's is missing from the arrangement because he's minorly obsessed with carrying it around! A little annoying, but cute!
I haven't had time to do much other artwork lately. Just a couple pieces in the kids' journals (and a class sample for an upcoming class I'm teaching-more on that in a future post). The first is from Noah's book. It's about his love of wearing glasses, goggles, hats, necklaces, any sort of accessory!
And the next is from Riley's book. It's about how much he is like me in so many ways, sometimes much to both of our chagrin!

Finally, here are my thrifted/antiqued finds from the last month or so. I just love the birthday candle-it's designed to be lit for every birthday until the child is an adult, and all the ages are still intact! I'd love to actually use it for one of the kids, but I don't think I'll have the heart to actually burn it- it's too sweet as it is!

Well, that's about it for now. I hope you're all having a great start to the new year!