So, first I must apologize for taking so long to update and answer emails, etc., but I have good reason. You see, for the past couple months I felt quite yucky, and just about everything I did made me nauseous, including going on the computer, doing artwork, and (gasp!) even thrift-shopping! Guessed yet?

Yep, that's right! I'm preggers again! Almost four months at this point, (despite the fact that I look about six months!) so I'm finally making my way out of that yucky first trimester and into the easier second trimester, thank goodness! It hasn't been too terrible, but I've really felt no motivation to do anything lately, and I'm hoping that will change soon.It's been a different pregnancy so far. Riley was still a baby himself when I went through my last one, so it's different having two rambunctious toddlers to care for while pregnant. Also, we're not planning on having any more children after this one, so the whole pregnancy's been a little bittersweet, knowing it will be the last... Anyway, so that's where I've been- sitting on my couch watching TV, since that's about all I've had the energy for! However, I haven't been completely unproductive during this time. I did manage to work in an album for the new baby, one which I had begun last summer. Here are the pages I've done thus far:
The spread above was done last summer, and just talks about our decision to begin trying for another baby.
The second spread is from the day I learned I was pregnant, which is really a spiritual story for me. It took us about five months to get pregnant, and during that time, I was taking a bible study class. On the first day of the bible study, we were asked to write a letter to God, expressing our greatest desires. We were then to seal the letter and not open it again until the last day of class. One of the things I requested was to become pregnant, or to accept that I shouldn't have more children. I struggled with the ups and downs of trying to conceive during this time, and on the last day of class, we opened the letters and reflected on how our prayers had been answered. Many of the things I had prayed about had improved, but this one issue was still in question. Until the next day, when I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! What timing!Needless to say, I feel very blessed with this pregnancy, and in this spread, I included the letter I had written in a pocket so that I can always remember the blessing.
And on a lighter note..., this third one is just about how I'm trying to savor every step of the pregnancy, knowing it will be my last.
The first ultrasound. Baby was squirming away in there!
The latest is about the different symptoms I've been having during the pregnancy.And, because I felt guilty about neglecting my other kids, I also have done a couple pieces in Noah's book:
The first is about how independant and self-sufficient he is. He is going to be a perfect middle child, able to take care of himself with no problem, although I really worry that he may get "lost" in the middle of the chaos, so it's something I definitely need to pay attention to.
And the second is about his two year birthday! Little Noah is already two- I can't believe it! 
And despite everything, I did feel well enough for at least a couple trips to the thrift store, where I acquired this bunch of goodies! You can bet that you'll be seeing my ever-growing collection of baby planters in the new nursery I'll be designing!
Okay, well, that's it for me! Have a great weekend, everyone!