Things have been busy, busy, busy around here! Finding spare moments to do crafty things is much more difficult with three kids about...sometimes I'm lucky enough to have all three down for a nap at the same time (like right now!), but most of the time I'm juggling between at least two.
It took me at least a week to get all my Christmas decorating done, but done it is, and I've taken pictures to show you!
Above is our fireplace. Last year I had a display of vintage reindeer up there, but I decided to change things up and do Santas this year. I find the little flocked vintage Santas at thrift shops all the time, so have accumulated quite a collection!
I got this wooden Santa sign at a craft fair over Thanksgiving-perfect for over the mantle! I fashioned a wreath "frame" out of garland and added some vintage ornaments for "bling". And on either side are little elf shelf-sitter hangings I found at a thrift store.
And here are all the Santas. My favorite is the tallest one-he has a really sweet expression on his face.
My other prime decorating spot is this china cabinet. You'll recognize many of the pieces from last year's collection, but there are plenty of new things as well.
I found several of these little gnomes on the top shelf at an estate sale last month. I don't know how well you can see, but behind them are two little houses that are perfect gnome-y little cottages.
Lots of little angels and Christmas-y girls!
The three caroling boys above have eyes that wink when you tilt them. They're a little creepy/strange looking, but cute at the same time. For 25 cents a piece, you can't go wrong!
Little putz village...
I got the large pink church at an estate sale- love it!
Lots of elf shelf-sitters!
And on the bottom shelf, I put all the reindeer amongst a forest of bottlebrush trees...
I do still have a couple things on my Christmas decorating to-do list. I'd love to make us all vintage-style felt stockings.
I found these two stockings and tree skirt that I may disassemble to make new stockings. We'll see if I get around to it- maybe it's a better project for next year's Christmas...!
I also have this pile of goodness awaiting me. The box is full of vintage ornaments. I can always make another wreath, or I'm waiting for inspiration to strike and perhaps give me a different idea. We'll see-again, it may be something that is done next year as well.
But I could sit and stare at this box all day, couldn't you? In fact, I really need to put them into a nicer container while they're just sitting, waiting....!
And speaking of things I could stare at all day long, this sweet thing rolled over for the first time the other day!
This photo is from a couple minutes after her accomplishment-isn't she proud?

So, since I'm just overwhelmed with all this free time (that's sarcasm there...!), the last thing I needed was another decorating project, but nevertheless, I decided to redo this wall in Avery's room. The arrangement used to be very symmetrical, but that kind of limited my ability to add things. I had gotten a few new pieces of art, so I tore down the old wall and redid it. I love the "randomness" of the new wall!
Here's a closer shot. The two pastel paint-by-numbers of little girls with deer and bunnies are so adorable! I found them thrifting, along with the ceramic hanging music box on the right side. It plays "Country Road" by John Denver! And the embroidery in the center is done by Avery's grandma. It is the nighttime prayer I say with her before bed.
The one bit of crafting I've done this past month was to make this lambie. She's wearing a vintage baby dress that fits perfectly! I didn't use a pattern-it's something I made up as I went along. I've considered writing it up to sell on Etsy-is anyone interested?
And although I didn't make the doll above (I found her at a thrift shop), I am now obsessed with making a doll out of a vintage pattern similar to this one. It's really difficult to choose the pattern though, because all the vintage patterns I'm finding (on Ebay, online, etc.) only have drawings to show the finished product, and no photos. Does anyone have some good recommendations?
I also found the purple Bradley doll above at a thrift shop. The green one was the very first doll in my doll collection as a child, so I thought it would be neat to put them together in Avery's room.
And how fun is this book for my family? Two older boys and a younger girl!
Okay, well, guess that's all for now. I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season. Thank you so much for the sweet comments you guys leave me-I'm not the best at responding, I know, but I really do appreciate them!