Saturday, March 20, 2010
Please Indulge Me Just a Little...
Avery turned seven months old a few days ago. Add to that the beautiful weather we've had and the fact that her hair's getting long enough for a barrette, and you've got the makings for some cute photoshoots!

Sunday, March 07, 2010
The Longest Post Ever??
Hello!! I've got to start posting more frequently, so that I don't end up like this again! I save up tons of things to post about, then never get to it because I need such a big chunk of time to do it! Well, hopefully this is the day, because I've got three kids down for naps right now, and it doesn't get better than that for uninterrupted time!
This post may be a little "all over the place" because I'm trying to jam as much in as possible, but bear with me! There's eye candy all the way through!
First, I wanted to let you all know I've added some things to my Etsy shop. I'm having so much fun with my embroidery machine and the vintage embroidery patterns I've found!

I'm just in love with these wall hangings- they are so cute in a nursery or child's room, or would even fit into a vintage-style studio!
And I've also made a couple of baby buntings, with vintage fabrics alternated between embroidered vintage baby animals.

As you can see, I've hung them in Avery's room until they sell, but when that happens, I might just have to make more to replace them!

Take a look at my shop for more information!
These two pieces are a new style/series that I'm working on. Both of them were done while I listened to praise music and reflected on my relationship with God. For a while, I've been looking for a way to glorify Him through the talents He gave me, and I realized that by just simply being "with" Him while I create is a start.
A couple friends of mine are taking mission trips to Uganda in a few months, and I plan to create pieces like this to auction off, then donate the proceedings to the trips. I'll let you know here when the auctions occur.
As always, I've also done some spreads in the kids' journals.
I have to say that I think this is one of my alltime favorite page spreads. Everything just worked on it, you know? It reminds me of some of my older work, which I feel like I've been getting away from lately...

This child drools more than any baby I've ever know, seriously! Perhaps it has to do with the fact that she's cut six teeth (yes, six!) in the past month, but regardless of the reason, bibs are a really big focus in this house.
The majority of time, she's wearing two bibs, and even then, I'm changing them out at least once an hour!

I guess I didn't take an individual photo of it, but it's kind of a "flat" doll, and the arms & legs are made from satin fabric tied in knots on the ends.
Of course, here you see both of the toys I made, and what is she choosing to play with? Monster trucks!!
I also made matching taggie blankets for two little twin boys a friend of mine just had. I may put some of these up in my shop as well.
And, for obvious reasons, I've also made a bunch of chenille bibs, inspired by Rachel! Until I read her post, I guess I just hadn't thought of the fact that I could make my own bibs-duh! With as quickly as she goes through them though, I reserve these for times when we're out in public, and she needs to look cute- ha ha!
I've also done a few projects with the kids lately. It's so fun that they're getting old enough to do "real" art projects!
First, we made monster dolls. I let them choose all the fabrics and the shapes/expressions of the faces. I sewed everything together, and they stuffed them. They loved it!
I created the dollars (found here) by printing them onto iron-on canvas, which I then ironed onto dinosaur fabric. This was THE ONLY dinosaur fabric Joann's had- I would've liked something a bit cuter, but oh well.... Then I made simple little wallets for each boy.
I haven't had tremendous luck thrifting lately, but I did find these cute puppies at a thrift shop, and the dolls and doily from an antique mall.
It's a wonderful guide to being both a mother and creative at the same time. I love the little artist spotlights throughout, describing how other mothers have found creative time amidst their hectic lives.
If you're interested, Trudy Callan has created an Artistic Mother group on her blog, where she will be following along with Shona's book. What a wonderful idea!
This post may be a little "all over the place" because I'm trying to jam as much in as possible, but bear with me! There's eye candy all the way through!
I'm just in love with these wall hangings- they are so cute in a nursery or child's room, or would even fit into a vintage-style studio!
As you can see, I've hung them in Avery's room until they sell, but when that happens, I might just have to make more to replace them!
Noah turned three in February, and this is his birthday page. I tried doing a little photoshoot of him that day, but he was a typical three-year-old, and almost every photo was blurry!
And, speaking of birthdays, how can the last baby I'm ever going to have be six months old already???
I always do a page for my kids on their six-month birthday (here's Riley's and Noah's), so here is Miss Avery's.
Other than pages in her journal, I've made a few more things for Avery lately. Again with my embroidery machine- here's a little crinkle-y taggie blanket.
She seems to like it!
Riley loved stuffing the monster so much that he wanted to make a pillow a few days later. I had read about using the rubbery shelf liner as an embroidery base (I can't remember where-sorry!), and it really did work well! I drew a simple dinosaur for him, and with some guidance, he was able to do it!
I'm so proud of him! I was amazed at how long he worked on it. He did the whole thing in two sittings, and this is a child who usually doesn't stick with anything for longer than five minutes!
The last "craft" I've done recently was a total revamp of our "reward chart". We've been in sore need of a new system around here, especially in the television arena. I felt like the kids were ready to start "earning" things instead of just "getting" them. And so, Dino Bucks were born!
The chart shows which activities earn dino bucks, and what can be purchased with the bucks. I'm still fiddling with the amounts on some of them to see what works.
So far it seems to be working, so we'll see!
And finally, I just wanted to give a little shout-out to Shona Cole. Her book, The Artistic Mother, has been released, and I'm very pleased to be a part of it!
Whew! Well, I think that's all! And remarkably, all the kids are still asleep!! Sorry if the post was a little scatter-brained, but I hope you found some inspiration here and there! Hope everyone's having a great almost-Spring!
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