Hi Guys, I'm sorry, but I think I'm done with blogging here for a bit. Blogger just really SUCKS, and it's becoming too difficult to deal with. Lately, all of my photos are uploading sideways, with no way of editing them without a LOT of extra work, and I just don't have the time to mess with the constant problems I always have with Blogger! If it's not one thing, it's another!
Until further notice, I will be putting all my stuff up on
Flickr, and adding descriptions there, instead of doing it here. Please don't abandon me! This doesn't mean that I am just out of the picture. I will actually probably post more photos this way, because Flickr is so much easier to deal with! And when I've got some time, I may investigate another blog site...
So head on over to
my Flickr site. I've posted a cute bow holder that I made from an Anthro dishtowel!