Hi guys, I'm here to tell you about the newest fad diet out there- the Dollhouse Diet! Here's how it works. You buy yourself a dollhouse on Ebay that you really, really want. Then you make a deal with yourself. Here's the deal: you can't open up the Ebay package and actually "get" the dollhouse until you've lost a certain amount of weight! Boy, talk about motivation- seeing the huge box just sitting there day after day, knowing what's inside, but not being able to open it!
Until today, when you step on the scale and you've reached your goal! Hurray! You toss aside everything else that was in the plans for the day so that you can unpack your new prize and get busy on it with a Magic Eraser! Oh, and of course, blog about it to those rare people out there who actually understand you!
Ha ha! So, if you can believe it, all of that is actually true! My extended family all had a weight-loss challenge at the beginning of the year, and working toward our prize was great motivation for me. But once that challenge was over, I still had another 5 lbs I wanted to lose. So I decided to create my own challenge, and Ta Da...! The Dollhouse Diet was born! And it worked!
So here's my newest dollhouse! It's a Keystone house, and it's in super shape. It's nice and large, and has all the windows, doors, chimneys, etc. I'm super-excited about it. And in case you're wondering where it will go, I'm still working on that... I have a plan to add some extra shelves in my studio, but that pretty much relies on Hubby being on board and helping. Maybe I can lay a Mother's Day guilt trip on him!
Oh, and by the way, feel free to use the Dollhouse Diet yourself- I promise it's the next big thing!!