So, we are now in Florida. We got here about a month ago, after much stress and anxiety and bumps in the road. I know that moving is one of those life events that is rated as one of the most stressful, along with getting married, having a baby, etc. But for me, moving is the most stressful by far. I cannot tell you how much I hate it! I am such a perfectionist, all the planning and preparation and organization stresses me out beyond belief. And trying to do it while greatly pregnant and taking care of a fourteen month old just adds to the stress.
But we at least are now here and somewhat settled, so the worst of it is over. Until I can get the house a little decorated and unpack the dozens of boxes still sitting around though, I will still feel unsettled. However, I'm enjoying being in Florida near my two sisters. It's so nice to be able to stop by and see them at the drop of a hat. It will be such an improvement in my social life! Will I ever get used to actually sweating in January though? That's one I haven't decided on yet!
On other fronts, I am almost finished writing my book. My manuscript is due the end of the month, so it's crunch-time for me. I haven't seen what the design will look like, but I'm happy with what I've written, and I hope you will all be very pleased with the results. It's due out about October, and the title will be "The Art of Personal Imagery". Wish me luck finishing it up. The new baby is due in one month, so I'm really cutting things close with this deadline!
And of course there's the pregnancy. This has been a hard one for me, compared to Riley's. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with making a cross-country move in the middle of it, but regardless, I'm struggling. At my last ultrasound, the doctor said that this baby is measuring about 25% larger than average- yikes! Riley was 9 lbs. 13.5 oz., so I guess I'm in for another big one. At least I'm in the home stretch and don't have to deal with sleepless nights, back pain, and muscle aches too much longer. Last weekend, my sister took some photos of me out on the beach, which I'll upload here. They came out so nicely. It's still hard for me to believe I was out on the beach in January though!
And, last but not least, there's Riley. He's doing great-doesn't seem to have been affected much at all by this move, thank goodness. He loves being able to play with his two cousins, and they seem to like having a new friend as well. He started walking about two months ago, and of course is now more into everything than ever before. But he's still a sweetie, and I hope he'll adjust to having a new little brother soon...
Okay, that's about it. Thanks for sticking with me, and continuing to check my blog. And thanks to all of you who wrote to me about my articles in Somerset and Legacy. Once the book's done and the baby's born, I hope to be able to start blogging a bit more frequently again. And doing some art, which is a completely different story- I haven't done a piece in over two months! Poor Riley's book has been completely neglected, as has the new baby's pregnancy journal.... Oh well, I can only do what I can do!

What beautiful photos! You look gorgeous. I hope all your life pieces fall into place in a manner that is easy and satisfying for you. At least you've found your home base.
I'm looking forward to seeing your wonderful art in a book.
All Good Things :)
I'm so glad you posted. It snowed last night here in Seattle. The most I've seen in a couple of years. Beautiful if you don't have to go anywhere. Definately not bikini on the beach weather!
Your photos are beautiful. I especially love the one of you in the black dress blowing in the breeze. It looks so mysterious.
Hello! Wewh, you have LOTS going on. Great to "hear" from you. The photos are gorgeous. Riley is getting sooo big! I cannot wait to see your book. I know it's going to be absolutely fabulous:) Good luck with the end of your pregnancy. Hope all goes well. Enjoy the Florida warmth. Take care!
Oh Corey - FABULOUS PHOTOS! I am so glad that you are beginnng to be more settled and less stressed. CANNOT wait to see that book! Wow! sounds great... Keep your sanity intact and can't wait for photos of the next little guy to enter your family!!! Blessings...
So good to get an update on you and your family! You all look terrific! Looking forward to hearing about all the new things that are coming into your life, the baby, the book. So glad your move is over.
Woohoo you brave woman! You made it! You look great as well as the rest of the family. So very excited you are here and for the new book and new baby!
Take care of you - the boxes will get unpacked sooner or later!
lovely photo's~looking forward to your book-and welcome to winter in the south! here in TX, we say we have about a wk of winter-not all at once-and 9 mo of summer. enjoy your new life!
Its great to see a post and read of all your current adventures. I am glad to hear that you have gotten safely moved and are settling it, even if slowly. The pictures are beautiful and we will look forward to seeing the new baby and the book! Congratulations!
Congrats on the move. You look great!! I'm sure you are happy you're almost there with the new baby. How exhausting--not to mention everything else! I wanted to let you know I finally framed your print! I love it! We are getting ready to re-do my bedroom, and that is where it will go. It is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you again. Keep us posted on everything! xoxo
Just took a look at what you have for sale. Do you still have the wedding collage available? It works with the one I have. Let me know how you go about buying. I'm so excited about my other one!
Thanks Corey for letting me know about the piece (Yay!). Oh please! Take your time, I'm in NO hurry at all. Wait until you get settled with the new baby and everything, I mean it. Lord knows I still have boxes to unpack (only been here five years!) So, please, don't worry about me, you do what's important first. Just let me know when you're ready, k? Best wishes!! xoxo
You're tagged!
The Rules: Each player of this game starts with "6 weird things about you". Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.
check out my's fun!
Love the photos! So dramatic, so natural, so motherly:) The pride I see in your body language is inspiring! Glad to hear from you.....I have been wondering how the move went. Can't wait to see the book.....I know it will be GREAT! Take care Corey girl and check in a little more to let us know things are well:) We miss you!!!!! hugs, Linda
hi there,
ur blog is so detailed and fabulous! i love it!!
the photos of u are beautiful!
it reminds me of my pregnancy with my 3 month and 3 week old sophia- i was the size of a bus! hee hee.
but u look stunning.
good luck with everything, keep up ur beautiful art,
i will be back again to check out ur delightful creations. my blog is
x x kazzy x x
Those photos are amazing. Especially i like the last one the most...
Thank you Corey! I received the piece today. It is even more lovely in person. Thank you!!
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