February 6th, 2007
5:06 AM
9 lbs. 8.5 oz.
20" long
He's here! And a day early to boot! I was scheduled to be induced Wednesday the 7th, but on Monday night I went into labor, and he arrived Tuesday. It was a quick labor, only about 7-8 hours from the very first contractions. I wasn't even sure it was the real thing until about 2:00 AM, and when I got to the hospital, I was already 6 cms. dilated. Unfortunately for me, everything progressed so quickly from that point that there was no time for me to get an epidural. Boy, I thought I knew what pain was until I had to deliver a 9 1/2 pounder naturally! I'm fortunate it all happened so quickly because I seriously couldn't have taken more than a couple hours of that! But he is here, safe and sound, and I am recovering extremely well, much faster than I did with Riley. And in the end, it's sort of a nice thing to know about myself- that I could handle it.
So, I may be biased, but I think he is an extremely handsome boy! He definitely takes more after Daddy than me-he has got jet-black hair, olive skin, and dark eyes. I guess we'll see how much of that changes over time, but it's interesting to have two kids so different-looking, since Riley is much fairer like I am. He has a very sweet disposition so far, much like his big brother did when he was born.
And speaking of big brother, Riley definitely seems curious about this new family member, but doesn't seem to be upset about the change yet. It helps that he is getting lots of attention from Grandma and his aunts right now, too.
So, anyway, here are some preliminary photos- he's just starting to open his eyes today, so hopefully I'll get some nicer ones in the next few days. Thanks for all the well wishes that I've received in the past couple weeks, and I'll keep you all updated!

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Congratulations to you and your family. So glad to hear all is well. Look forward to seeing more pics. Such wonderful news:):)
What a Sweetie! Congratulations Corey, and Welcome Noah :)
Jason, Corey: Congratulations!!!!!! Wish we could see Noah and Riley and you two. Glad that all is well and we will talk soon! Love...
CONGRATS Corey! Terrific news. LOVELY boy. Handsome family. Wishing the very best.
He's beautiful! Congrats to the both of you for a job well done. He will be a great addition to the family.
An absolutely stunning baby boy, and a very fine artistic accomplishment on your part! He's gorgeous. Congratulations.
Congratulations to the proud parents! What a sweet bonnie baby Noah is!
He's beautiful! Congratulations. You're a rock star for birthing without the epidural!
Congratulations to you all on the birth of little Noah! Welcome, little one! So glad he is here and all is well. Blessings to you!
OMGOODNESS......just checking in as usual to see if you have posted...and....MY HAVE YOU POSTED!!!!!!!! He is BEAUTIFUL! CONGRATULATIONS....hugs, Linda
Congratulations on your new, sweet boy!
congratulations! he is so handsome! and i am so glad to hear that things are going well. i'll be checking in again on you soon...
Hello Corey! Thank you so much for sharing those beautiful pictures. I was thinking about you earlier this week and it's good to find out that you made it through so well. Congratulations on the birth of Noah...I get a good feeling about that boy! Also, I wanted to tell you that I have been following your site and your postings on Picturetrail for some time now and all I can say is that you are a freaking genius! I absolutely love your art...love it! I am such a big fan of yours. All the best to you and your family. Sincerely, Sarah
He is so beautiful and in that first picture he looks like a doll. Congratulations on this new bundle of joy!!
He is just the handsomest little fella! Congratulations to your beautiful family!
Now get some sleep!
Corey dear Corey - CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a handsome lad he is! I hope you all get plenty of rest and loving attention... Blessings and hugs to you!
He is indeed a really truly gorgeous boy! I just caught up with your last few posts and I can't figure out how you managed it all!? Amzing! And well done. I admire your art as well.
Congratulations on everything.
Congratulations! He is beautiful!
Corey, how wonderful :) He looks absolutely beautiful!!!
The time flies so fast, it feels that just moment ago you wrote about your pregnancy :)
What another beautiful son you have! Congratulations Corey!! How exciting!
Beautiful little boy!
I have five little children myself, with my last two being a boy/girl twin, but I still melt at photos of new born babies..... ♥
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