First, let me thank everyone for your well wishes for our sick family! Thanks to all the positive energy out there, everyone is physically doing much better, and Mommy is feeling mentally much better as well! And next, I know that I said I'd talk about the advance copy of my book I received in my next post, but I decided to do something a little more fun instead! I spent several hours yesterday and today doing a massive studio cleanout. And I ended up with a pretty big pile of stuff that is pretty cool stuff, but stuff that is really not living up to its potential just sitting in the drawers and closets of my house!
So I've loaded up 24 9x12 padded envelopes with all this stuff (I said there was a lot!) and have decided to sell them for $15 each, shipping included (and they're kind of heavy!). Although I guarantee the contents are more than $15 worth, if bought separately. The photos here are a sample of what is in one of the packets.

Let me tell you what sort of stuff is in them. They each have most of these items, if not all of these items: vintage ledger pages, vintage flashcards, human anatomy book illustrations, vintage photos, vintage postcards, photocopies of vintage photos, german foil items, vintage game pieces, various metal and other three-dimensional items- filagree, numbers, stencils, and lots, lots more miscellaneous stuff. I tried really hard to make them all comparable, so certain ones aren't much cooler than others. And they really are full of cool stuff- these are all items that I bought at some point because I planned to use it in my own collage. But, alas, it never got used, and I just needed/wanted to do some paring down.
So, if you'd like to buy a pack, send me an email at appendageassemblage at hotmail dot com. I can take Paypal or check. I will list them on Etsy sometime next week if there are any left, but you can get them directly from me this way.
And, to add to the fun, I've decided to give away one pack as well! I've never done a give-a-way on my blog before, so I thought it was about time. You guys are so good to me with your comments that I owe you that! Here are the rules for the give-a-way. Leave me a comment between now and next Saturday (Sept. 15th) telling me what your favorite word is, and I will randomly choose a winner. It will be fun to read what people's favorite words are!
Good luck, let me know if you'd like to buy a pack, and I'll write again soon!