I've got so much to show you, but I know I would never get this posted if I took the time to write about everything, so I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves! Time just disappears with three little ones around, but as you can see, I've been productive in spite of the chaos!
Things I've Made
A collage about the three kids:
An entry in Avery's Journal about the blanket made by her Grandma and Great-Grandma:
An entry in Avery's journal about her sucking her hands:

A wall hanging for Avery's room with her birth info, hand and footprints, and first photos:

An entry in Noah's journal about becoming a big brother:
An entry in Noah's journal about his first day of preschool:


A revamped car seat for Avery (it used to be green for the boys-came out cute, but boy, I wouldn't want to do that again!):

Noah drew his first "happy face" (probably 1/2 luck and 1/2 intention, but it does look like a happy face!):

An entry in Riley's journal about becoming a big brother:
An entry in Riley's journal about turning four:
A yo-yo clown for Avery:
A revamped car seat for Avery (it used to be green for the boys-came out cute, but boy, I wouldn't want to do that again!):
Events That Have Occurred
Riley turned four:
We picked out a really cute pumpkin:
Noah as Mr. Incredible/pirate (he insisted on the dagger, which he claimed made him part pirate!):
Things I've Bought
Vintage stitcheries:
Vintage lamb planters:
Little girl music box:
Baby face wall planters:
Little girl planter (love her!!):
Well, that's about it! I hope my (very) brief descriptions were acceptable, considering all the eye candy I gave you instead!
I'm getting excited about Christmas coming up! My local thrift shops are beginning to put out their Christmas stuff, so I've been on the lookout for yummy vintage ornaments and such. And speaking of vintage Christmas, check out this blog giveaway I entered- I hope I win!