
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Two-Headed Baby...

That title caught your attention, didn't it?   Well, it's actually just the beginning of my next project- a topsy-turvy doll from a vintage pattern that I'm attempting for Avery's second birthday.  If you'll remember, I made a doll for her first birthday last year, and that was a real labor of love!  Vintage patterns just are not that easy to follow, I'm finding.  But, this one seems to be going well so far, so I'm crossing my fingers it will be snag-free!  The hair scares me though, and this baby's got two heads of it!!  Maybe I'll cheat and put a bonnet on one of them... 

Anyway, I'll show you the results here when I'm done!
 I also wanted to show a few more goodies I found while visiting my parents, as well as show how I'm displaying the things I already showed.  Above is a squeaky rubber puppy I found.  He's rather large (maybe 9" tall), and his eyes open and close.  So cute!

At the same shop, I also found the vintage doll dry sink (above) and matching dresser (below).  Score!  Of all my collections, I think I love doll dressers the most! 

Yes, those are all my Ginny dolls from when I was young! 

For now, I took out the second floor of the dollhouse, and put these dollies inside.  I sort of love the mismatched scale of the "huge" dolls in the house!

 Check out that portrait over the fireplace!

To fit my "new" stove and fridge, I had to do some rearranging in one of my bookcases.  Whereas I used to have two drawer units holding little embellishments, I consolodated them into one, making room for my vintage kitchen.  I rather like the cramped look of it all!

Hope you're all enduring the heat these days!  Thank goodness for air conditioning!!!


Anonymous said...

What loveliness! I love that mismatched scale too. It makes it look like some kind of dreamland world. You have so many beautiful treasures. I love those ginny dolls. I am trying to hunt down a vintage ginny orange moped bike If I find out you have one I will be popping on plane to come and visit you and have a play.

elizabeth said...

I love all of this! Your Ginnys are so sweet!!

jungle dream pagoda said...

Such an adorable collection!! I love the styling you've done!