
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Mish-Mash...

This week's Little Vintage Style  features a dress I've already shown.  You may remember this sweet ensemble from Easter. 

 Well, we're moving from Easter to Halloween (the skeleton I picked up thrifting was the only way to get her to pose for some pictures!). 

 I used the dotted-swiss dress without the pinafore, then added modern leggings and some brighter accessories.

 If she wears vintage to preschool, I usually try to tone it down a bit, because I don't think that many people in Florida really "get" vintage, so I don't want her to stand out too much in her class!

It's crazy how much older she looks in these photos vs. the ones from Easter!  She looks like a little girl now- no more baby here!

 I took my free time yesterday (while Avery was in school for the morning) to do some painting!  Oh, I just love doing this kind of piece!  No rules, no photos to incorporate, just fun, fun, fun!

 I also did a piece in Noah's journal this week about learning to swim. 

I've really slacked off on doing pieces in the boys' journals, unfortunately.  I haven't done a piece for Riley for almost a year!  I'm kind of trying to decide whether I want to continue with them, or do them until they turn five (Riley's last piece was about turning five, and Noah will turn five next year).  While I love that we have these books, I don't enjoy working in them as much as I used to.  My style has changed, and I'd so much prefer to do fun pieces like the one above...

Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud there.  Didn't mean to get all serious on you!

Hope you're all enjoying the beginnings of fall!  Here in Florida, we're just starting to have some really nice days, and I'm looking forward to being able to wear cardigans and jeans in a few weeks if I'm lucky! 


elizabeth said...

Love it with the leggings! She is such a doll.

I know what you mean about toning it down for school. Kindergarten is probably the last year I'll be sending Daisy in a pinafore. :)
~ elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Just darling, all of it! My little guy always has to be holding random objects to take photos too! Last week it was string cheese :) In fact, they always seem to be food LOL!. Your art is lovely as always.

MissShapes said...

I love the way you updated the dress with the leggings! Super cute!

My Vintage Mending said...

I can believe how much more grown up she looks! Tell her to stop growing. This art piece is great. Looks like summer to me. Talent that cannot be harnessed I am in such awe. Smiles...Renee

gabrielle said...

love the way vintage dresses can be worn as tops too, so cute. Thanks for your lovely comment over on LVS, luckily the boys Dad has a similar dress style..he has a little florist shop in a very funky part of town so he likes the boys styled this way..he hates his pic taken though so I don't often get a pic of his style

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - definitely a little girl now. Just look at all that hair.
I love the dress restyled like this. She looks darling.

erica @ expatriababy said...

Oh HAI, just stopping over again from Mama Loves Papa to fall in love with your sweet girl's eyes. My gosh. Every week!
Love the vintage + contemp look. Yellow + purple = a rock solid combo. Cuteness.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Love the yellow dress!


Kendra Morris said...

She is so adorable! Love her leggings and dress!

Anonymous said...

I love her curls! She is just precious!

Manda said...

So cute! Love the dress with leggings! I'd so be doing that if I had a little girl to dress..

Morgan said...

What beautiful pictures and, as always, a beautiful littl lady! Thanks so much for joining in with small style! :)

I love your painting, too. You are so talented. I'm impressed!

Unknown said...

Love the pale yellow, purple and navy combo. So cute!!

Kristin said...

Thank you for stopping by today - I love your new work and your babies are just stunning. Thanks for the continued inspiration, xo

Stacy Hart said...

she has grown up! what a cutie, and that dress looks great as a top too.