I'm so excited with the feedback I've been getting from the book! I've caught it at #1 in "Papercrafts" and #1 in "Scrapbooking" at various times on Amazon (the rankings are listed every hour)- how cool is that?? But no reviews there yet (I check several times a day- ha ha!- to see my first review!) I've gotten some wonderful emails and blog comments from people who've been inspired to use personal images in their own work, which means so much to me, since that's what my mission was with the book-to inspire artists to do personal artwork, not just art that looks like everyone else's! So, a big thank you to those who have written!
By the way, I do still have a couple signed copies left if anyone missed out! Cindy S-E, if you're reading this, send me an email at appendageassemblage at hotmail dot com-I don't have a way to contact you about a copy! And I finally listed the ephemera packs on Etsy if anyone needs one of those!
Riley had his second birthday last week, amidst a small amount of chaos with the funeral, etc., but we were still able to celebrate. I plan to do a birthday spread for him as soon as I get a chance, but here are a couple cute photos of him on his big day, and a cute one of Noah thrown in for good measure!
Okay, have a great week, everyone!
i just found my way here thru stephanie lee...i will visit often...congrats on the book...i know how exciting that is to see your work in print...and sorry about your beautiful grandmother...blessings, rebecca
Corey, evidently it takes up to 48 hours to process a review on amazon.com.
Keep looking ;)
ps...where in florida are you???...i sm on amelia island...always loking for other artists to connect with...there are so few on the east coast...blessings, rebecca
Can I just add that your book was just what this "so called artist" needed. My mojo was low and after thumbing through your book...(later I read the whole thing)my energy level was at a new high. I ended up making 3 journals (covers) for a class that I'm taking with Lynne Perrella this weekend.
I love your techniques...especially making me be messier than I normally am. Your lines are crooked etc. and that's what I love but usually can't do....you opened the door for me and I did it !!!
Hi Corey! I'm interested in a book if you still have a copy! I love your blog - I just stumbled on it this morning! I too live in FL!Do you teach?
....and you have two reviews today, congratulations!
Corey, I am so sorry to hear you lost your grandmother.
Just got it today! Can't wait to dive in. Looks absolutely fabulous and I'm inspired already just from paging through. Congrats on a wonderful book!!!!
I got my book from Amazon last week and am just so loving it! I'm taking my time reading it and savoring it - page by page. An excellent job, Corey! I love how you can create such beautiful things without a gazillion supplies. I will happily write a review when I finish the book.
I would love a signed copy if you still have one! I'm SO tempted to go to the book store and get one today but I can wait (self control, self control,....:) if there is still one available.
Both of your boys have incredible eyes ~ what cuties*!*
I just wanted to say that I bought your book this past weekend and I LOVE IT!!!! I am a scrapbooker by trade, but I have done tons of collage before, just never thought to meld the two, look forward to trying this out, THANKS!!!
I can hardly wait to check your book out.
I would love to have signed copy of your new book if you still have them available. It looks awesome.Thanks.-Mary Lib Stine
I just got my signed book!! Thanks Corey..I'm going to sit down and read it tonight.
It came at a perfect time as I will be starting a new journal soon *shhh* ;)
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