Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Cover #3
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cute Art, Cute Kitchen
Even though I'm falling behind a bit on the boys' books, I really needed some fun art time, so I decided to do a piece in my "Self" Journal. I didn't try and convey any special meaning, or illustrate any particular event; I simply did art for the fun of it, which was wonderfully freeing! I need to do more art like that- the problem is just lack of time!
As you can see, some of the text on the piece reads "you receive this small gift from me". This represents the fact that I was giving myself a gift by allowing myself to do this piece without any obligation or expectation. And I quite like the result, if I do say so myself!
I also wanted to show you the adorably cute doll-sized kitchen set I found on Ebay. Isn't it wonderful? The colors are just perfect in my studio- I absolutely love it! What's funny, though, is that I've collected a few different vintage doll stoves, etc., and I really don't even cook myself! I'm one of those lucky girls whose husband does most of the cooking, so I'm not quite sure where my fondness for miniature appliances comes from! I guess maybe it's the "miniature" aspect of it- I'm always a sucker for anything that is miniaturized...
Anyway, hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I've got an extra little turkey cooking in my little oven here, if anyone wants to come join me!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Creeping and Standing
Monday, November 05, 2007
Cowardly Lion, Some Art, and My Last Name

And finally, Beth left me a comment with a funny question the other day. She wants to know how to pronounce my last name! I know, it's a hard one! When I met my husband I wanted to know the same thing! So here goes: "Moort" rhymes with "fort" and "gat" rhymes with "cat". Hope that helps- I've heard it pronounces some crazy ways, so now maybe you guys can spread the word!
Have a great week!