Like with Noah's book a couple weeks ago, one of Riley's books (his third) has been without a cover for quite a while. It was at the Somerset offices for several months for an article (which is in this month's Somerset Memories issue), and I finally received it back a little while ago. So, even though I really should be catching up and working in the boys' books, I wanted to go ahead and finish it, just so that I could feel a sense of completion, you know?
I decided to go the "easy" route, and used a pre-existing cover from a vintage cloth book for the large portion of the cover, and then just added some small embellishments to that. The little boy pictured actually looks a bit like Riley, with his messy hair and blue eyes. The picture above is of the shelf in his room where I have all his journals displayed, although soon the shelf may be too small, as I'm getting close to finishing his fourth book. Oh well, guess we may just need to buy a bigger shelf!
And I'd like to again send out a big "thank you" to all of you who have written me to let me know how you like the book. It means so much to me to know that I've inspired you and possibly given you a boost to make your own art more personal. It helps make up for a particularly nasty review the book got on Amazon (Wow! Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what? I mean, I know the book doesn't appeal to everyone, but jeez!) Anyway, I'm very grateful for the very nice comments many of you have sent me! Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!
Hi Corey!!
I LOVE the cover- it's just so sweet!! I went to Amazon and saw that awful review- it made me mad. What a grouch! I think before you buy a book you should have the sense to at least google the artist on the net so you can see if you like their style or not. I think she is an unhappy person to write such a mean review. She didn't have to say she didn't care for it in such a rude manner. I know my mom loves the book and I know that I will, too. And I LOVE crowns and what she calls "dunce caps" but I call "party hats"!! I think people who don't like those things have no imagination or sense of whimsy- I feel bad for them. And as for it having "new ideas"- well, it all depends on what you have or have not seen before. I never saw anyone do art like yours before I found you and it SO inspires me!!
Corey, I had to go and check the "nasty review" because I couldn't believe your book could get one.
I read it, and checked the "unhelpful" box, because the so-called reviewer didn't review it. She just wrote a crabby three-liner that basically tells me she either didn't really look in, or read, the book and/or it's not to her taste (so,I ask myself, why did she buy it?).
Another review, albeit favorable, said "too scrapbooky", but I have to take issue with that comment, what does personal imagery tell you? (I suspect not many people actually READ). The flip through the pictures and make decisions based on fleeting perceptions. I disagree with that comment too because "scrapbook" never entered my mind. I see a lot of scrapbook pages around and there is no resemblance whatsoever.
I re-read the review I gave you, and now that I've read/looked at your book countless times, and followed some of your instructions, I wouldn't change a word I wrote.
I've been meaning to tell you that because of your "teaching", which you're very good at, and techniques, I've started using paint in my collages and doing things I only do on my paintings on canvas, like splattering and glazing and all that lovely stuff. You've opened a new world for me and as a result my collage work gives me even more pleasure and satisfaction. My first pieces looked somewhat like yours, since I was following your step-by-steps, but I'm developing and making them more mine.
Sorry this comment has turned so long, but I'm a working journalist and artist, at at one time was a book editor, so I believe I have the qualifications and experience to judge a work.
You shine!
Hi, i just received my copy of your book all the way down in Sydney Australia ! I have struggled expressing a pretty awful childhood for some time, until i started to paint draw and stick stuff down of what I was feeling... I looked for other work out there that was real and meaningful but a lot of books about collage are just pretty, which there is nothing wrong with but I wanted more than technique... I wanted something that was soulful and deeply personal, and your book was exactly what I was looking for... am so inspired i have already extended a photo and had some fun with paint splatters :)... I have already had a few friends race to amazon for some aussie orders !!!
thank you for a wonderfully beautiful,touching and amazing work of art
Debra :)
Adorable cover Corey
Love your baby journals and the cover is wonderful! I will go leave a good review on amazon for you because I adore your book!
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