Anyway, all this to say that you may be seeing a little less of me, as I'm going to cut back on a lot of the computer work for a while, and try to concentrate a little more on spending time with the kids and doing artwork. I will still post photos of new work on my Flickr site for sure, and I'll try to squeeze in a blog entry every so often as well. So, please be patient with me! I promise I won't drop completely out of view, I just may be a little harder to see!
But before I go for now, I'll share a couple projects I've been working on. The first is pretty self-explanatory- a journal spread for Noah. The little guy is learning to walk! It's so fun to witness this process- we can literally see him improving every day. I can't say I'm 100% pleased with these pages, but they're good enough...
The other project is something that's been brewing in my head for a while, and yesterday I decided to go ahead with it. I've been wanting to take some nude self-portraits. I'm not sure how I'll use them, but it just felt like something that needed to be done. So, while Noah was taking a nap and Riley was playing in his room, I set up the camera and went for it! I'm really happy with the way they turned out. I didn't want to post them here, since this is too easy a place for just anyone to copy them, but if you'd like to see some of them, you can go to my Picturetrail site. At the bottom of the page is an album that is password-protected. The password is "blog".

One series is on our family room floor. I decided to leave everything as it was- kid's toys, etc., since that's what my life consists of these days! And the other series was taken in an arched niche in our dining room-turns out it's the perfect size for a human!

Thank you, everyone, for bearing with me while I try and re-prioritize my life. I hope you all are having a wonderful new year!
Just a note to say, love the article in Somerset Studio!
Beautiful soft tones!
Sandra Evertson
The nudes are beautiful.
I'm jealous of your ability to love your whole self.
But now I want to try this !!! hubby would be thrilled !
HI there ... just received your book and really love it ! I can't find your email to discuss about a frenchy project ... I tried etsy ... let me know !
Wow! You're so brave sharing your nude photos with everyone, I'm rarely brave enough to have people photograph my face let alone the rest of me, and without clothes :)! I really enjoy your collage work, it's so different from my own which makes it very inspiring for me to look at. You have talent and imagination, I look forward to making return visits to your blog to enjoy myself once again :)
Kim McCabe
Curiouser & Curiouser Designs
The niche in your house is so awesome---and you are so brave!! Your photos are just gorgeous. :)'re brave. the nudes were so well done and reminiscent of ealy 1900's photos.
You are so inspiring.
I so so so admire the honesty that is apparent within yourself.
Good on you.
Off to see the photo's soon.
Your photos are lovely! And I have been wanting to write and tell you that I really liked your article in the recent Somerset Studio! I so agree with the thoughts you expressed there.
thank you for sharing yourself with the world. enjoy your time with your little goes so SO fast and you may even one day wish for just a moment of those hectic days with the kiddos.
Girl, you got guts! I so admire you for being able to not only do this but share them with... well anyone who reads your blog. You look great considering you have 2 little ones. Hooray for you!!
Corey, I totally can relate to your wanting to cut back on the time you spend on the computer. I struggle with the same dilemma myself. You look great in the photos, but I must admit you've got more courage than me!
Oh I remember the days when both boys were little. You have to keep your eyes on them!! Enjoy this time. It flees so quickly. The stills are lovely.
Your nudes are gorgeous. I especially like the ones in the archway.
I have always wanted to get some nude photos of myself done. Now that "How to Look Good Naked" has hit the airwaves, my interest has been renewed. ...or is that re-nude?!?!?
I also collect vintage photos, including the tasteful nudes. I just find the female form is one of nature's most beautiful creations.
yes! focus on what is important right now in your life, your kiddies! You will never regret taking off a year or two and devote yourself to them! Love your shots, beautiful!
Was just at Pam G's and she showed your page in Somerset! Congrats Corey. I am so happy for you. Congrats!! You go girl! xxoo
May you find peace while sorting it all out...your boys are lucky indeed*!*
Hello Corey. I'm not sure where to post, but I just wanted to say thank you. I found your book about a week ago by "accident" at AC Moore. After reading your book, both you and I believe that "accidents" are really no accident at all! I feel as though I have been truly inspired by your work and it has brought out a passion in me that I didn't know existed. I, too, love interior design--I do a lot of this at my mom's antique and country store. I've realized in the last few years how much I love vintage things.. and your artwork and book have lit a passion in on me and given me ideas on how to use such things. Your taste in your home decor is so me & our handwriting looks so much alike. I feel as though I can truly relate to you on all levels--and again, I am just sending my gratitude to you for the work you do and the passion you do it with. Lots of Love,
Kim Kovilaritch
Corey.....I hope all is well with you and the boys! I haven't heard from you and am beginning to wonder if you are O.K.! I am sure you are very busy....and that is the reason you haven't posted. Miss you! Linda
I love that you did this...I've taken some nude drawing classes and have always secretly wanted one done of myself! Your collages are also very beautiful-I would love to add you to my favorite reads!
i was wondering if you teach workshops and when?
i love your work. i wild like to explore your way
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