Rainbow House & Springtime Fun
I've been in a little bit of an art funk lately. Because I'm in the midst of trying to expand myself and move in a different direction, it's a little intimidating to sit down in my studio and create. Every day, when nap-time comes, I must make the decision: Art-time or Relax-in-front-of-TV-time? I have to admit that on most days recently, the TV has been the winner. But the other day, I decided to force myself up into the studio and just create, regardless of whether I was feeling inspired or not. Well, I'm so glad I did, because I love what came out!
I'm not sure where these little pod houses and rainbows are coming from, but they just feel so "innate" to me, if that makes sense. They remind me of when I was young, and I used to draw countless little mushroom houses for little mouse families. I guess I'm all grown up now, and this is my grown-up version. As you can see in this particular painting, there's a representation of Riley and one of Noah, both asleep in their rooms. In Riley's side of the house is a semi truck and the alphabet, both current obsessions of his. And on Noah's side is his giraffe lovey and a shopping cart, again, current faves of his. I'm not sure where this theme will lead, but for now, I think I'm content to keep doing little houses and their inhabitants!And just for fun, here are a few photos of how we're spending this beautiful spring, before the Florida heat hits. Noah has learned how to go down the slide by himself, and he loves it! And Riley is loving playing with his bubble machine...

Corey, I love your work and was so pleased to stumble upon your blog! I recently made some Marie Antoinette collages with the techniques from 'the art of personal imagery'. The book is all torn and faded because unfortunately I got into a car accident and I had it by my side. All is well though!
Corey, the new piece is wonderful! I still haven't started by kid's books, but I need to get your book out and look at your Flickr photos to get inspired again so I can get going on it. Your boys are so adorable. I think mine need one of those bubble machines, too!
LOVE the squat, rounded home shapes...very cozy...reminds me of The Smurfs. That Hal guy rocks - thanks for linking to his site.
Thank you for your book - it is giving me exactly the "permission" I needed to do some personal art stuff with my little family. Peace to you and your family.
I love the new style and the rainbows...the colours are beautiful! I particularly love the giraffe lovey...but then i am feeling all sentimental just now ;)
And I cannot get round how much the boys have grown...time is running away!!!
Ouissi x
My goodness! This is what you do when you're NOT inspired? I definitely need to be reading your blog every day!
Hi Corey,
Found your site and love your work. You are right about Fl it goes from nice weather to brutal weather. I live in Lake City where do you live?
Will be back for more inspiration, love your creativity. Gayle
I feel like I could have written your post.
Naptime is always the decision time. Lately I've been going on line, instead of creating art or writing. Sigh. Maybe today, with naptime creeping up in about a half an hour, I will choose to do some drawing inspired by you.
When I was little, I used to draw houses... but not the outside of houses, the inside. Little schematics and diagrams with people inside going about their daily tasks.
The idea of home is an interesting one for me. Maybe I should try it again.
Thanks for the inspiration.
(Oh, yeah. I just moved to Florida. It's gorgeous now, but I know it's going to get really hot.)
I just discovered your blog (through flickr)!!
I love the happy little house, and rainbow. It brings a smile to my face, and reminds me of the simple pleasures of childhood!!!
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