So, I'm sure you've all been wondering what's up with me lately- hardly any posts, hardly any art, a mysterious "secret" project... Well, I've decided it's time to let you all in on the secret. Here it is... dum, dum, dum,... I'm pregnant!
Yep, that's right! I'm nine weeks pregnant, with a due date of Valentine's Day, 2007. We found out while we were in Yellowstone. Check out this photo of Jason's expression when I told him! And of course, here's also the obligatory photo of the first ultrasound.
Was it planned? Well, pretty much, although I totally didn't expect that it would happen so soon. If any of you have looked at my pregnancy journal from Riley's pregnancy, you'd know that he took close to a year to be conceived. So we sort of expected a similar wait for the next one. But oh no, apparently pregnancy really made me fertile, because the very first month we made a half attempt at trying, it worked! Sixteen months apart is what they'll be- what in the world am I in for!?!
So the reason for the lack of posts and artwork lately is that I feel like crap!! I'm lucky enough not to suffer from "real" morning sickness (which is a good thing, because I have an unnatural phobia of throwing up!), but I basically am just absolutely exhausted. And certain things make me feel totally nauseous- one is going on the computer. It was the same with Riley. For some reason, going on the computer and watching TV make me feel sick. And sometimes doing artwork also makes me feel sick, so I've been limiting that unfortunately. Even when I do art, if I'm not happy with the piece, it will make me feel nauseous every time I look at it. There are pieces I did when I was pregnant with Riley that still make me feel sick when I look at them- isn't pregnancy crazy?? And, as I've mentioned before, my arm problems have also been acting up, which is often a side effect of pregnancy, another reason for my limited posts.
Well, there you have it! So you may not see much of me for a little while, until I start feeling a little more back to myself. And forgive me if I don't respond to as many comments or emails for all the same reasons. I'll still post when I do art, such as the secret project I've been working on, which obviously is Pregnancy Journal #2. Here are the pieces I've completed in there. The third one, by the way, is one of those that's going to make me feel sick every time I see it, because I sort of hate it...

And now I'd better get off this computer before I toss my cookies for real! Ta ta for now!