Here's a piece I did yesterday. (I think you can see a larger version on my Flickr site.) I usually don't go into these pieces with the intention of using "personal imagery", but I guess I'm just drawn to certain themes, etc., so that's usually what ends up coming out. Here I started with the two little boys on the steps, then added the two bunnies on bikes. At that point, I was obviously representing my two boys, so I added the swimming pool and picnic table at the top, since those are what a good portion of our time consists of these days. And I'm just now noticing that the tree which wraps around the top of the house is separated into two sections, which could represent my husband and myself, protecting and nurturing the family...
See? Your art really does speak about you, even without that intention. For those of you who have seen my book, this is the sort of thing I'm talking about, especially in the section about analyzing your artwork. I constantly discover themes and imagery that I've used without "meaning to"...
Anyway, I hope all you mothers had a great Mother's Day on Sunday! We decided to go to the beach with the kids. It's amazing to me that I live 15 minutes from the beach now, yet we rarely go. It's just so difficult with babies, but now that Noah's walking, it's a lot easier, and I think I'll try to make it a more regular thing.
I took my camera, and got a lot of really great photos. The beach is such a great backdrop for photos! My kids are difficult to shoot these days because they never want to sit still for a photo, and ask them to smile? Forget it! So this was a perfect opportunity to get some shots while they were naturally having fun.
I am so glad to find out about your blog ! I have discovered your work through your wonderful book that truly spoke to me, and made my first collage right after reading it !!!
Oh....I am loving your book and kicking myself for waiting so long to buy it!!! I bought it for myself for mother's day! I had no idea you had done art therapy too. wow. now I admire you even more! amazing that you have done these journals with the kids so small, and wrote the book! I remember those days very well. my two older kids are close in age. I am sooo looking forward to learning more from your book and I know it's going to be a breakthrough book for me to get my children's images into my artwork (which is very personal to begin with)..thank you sooo much!
Great photos, Corey. Yes, the imagery in your lovely collage does capture the essence of your family...I really like the way the tree splits and hugs the images below. Beautiful work!
I am so glad to find out about your blog !
I have discovered your work through your wonderful book that truly spoke to me, and made my first collage right after reading it !!!
Thank you for your art !
Oh....I am loving your book and kicking myself for waiting so long to buy it!!! I bought it for myself for mother's day! I had no idea you had done art therapy too. wow. now I admire you even more! amazing that you have done these journals with the kids so small, and wrote the book! I remember those days very well. my two older kids are close in age. I am sooo looking forward to learning more from your book and I know it's going to be a breakthrough book for me to get my children's images into my artwork (which is very personal to begin with)..thank you sooo much!
Great photos, Corey. Yes, the imagery in your lovely collage does capture the essence of your family...I really like the way the tree splits and hugs the images below. Beautiful work!
What loely photos! Your sons are growing up so fast! I'm glad you had a beautiful Mother's Day!
Gorgeous photos, Corey. (And you look pretty good too!!!).
Colette xox0
I really like the photo of you holding the two boys--nice!
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