
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Kids...

Sorry for the lack of artistic posts here lately, but with three kids home all day every day (now that preschool's out), I haven't had time for much artwork or thrifting.  My days are spent refereeing and filling sippy cups for the most part...! 

But I can always find time to dress up Miss Avery in her vintage gear and shoot some photos for Little Vintage Style (and here on Thursday)- ha ha!  This past week, my mom was in town, so we did some exploring and went to a nearby beach.  Unfortunately, we got there at low tide, and a great part of the beach was muddy and full of very sharp oyster shells.  While it was fun for the boys, it was hard to keep Avery in the "safe" zone, so she spent most of the trip crying because she couldn't go where she wanted to...  So I didn't get many pics of her in her cute little vintage pinafore top, but here's what I did get!

We also took the kids to a more kid-friendly beach, which made everyone happy!  No vintage there, just cute, happy kids!


MissShapes said...

I love that first one of Avery's so serene! I love these pictures, they make me want to go to the beach!

Daniele Valois said...

beautiful pictures. I love the ones of your boys especially. The exposure along with the sand is just perfect. Really captures the moment. Love them!

A bird in the hand said...

Don't apologize, Corey. All three children are works of art!

Love Avery's outfit.


Anonymous said...

What gorgeous sunshiny pics!
Avery's little outfit is adorable.

Stacy Hart said...

i adore flutter sleeve tops, she is are your boys too!

Lili said...

Avery look like she's a really character, and I love the little top

Kendra Morris said...

You have beautiful pictures and a stunningly beautiful daughter! I love her outfit!

Lil Muse Lily said...

Gorgeous smiles all the way around. Avery is such a little beaut!

expatriababy said...

Your beautiful pictures are making me crave some serious beach time!

Morgan said...

Gorgeous pictures! Those beaches look like so much fun! Miss Avery is adorable and I love her little dress!