
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Arty, Arty, Art

You may be seeing a little more art and a little fewer thrifted goodies from me in the next few weeks.  That's because it's Lent.  What's Lent got to do with me making art and thrifting, you ask?  Well, this year (and last), I gave up thrifting for Lent!  While thrifting is wonderful for many reasons, it also has a pretty negative side for me as well.  I would rather thrift than do a lot of other more productive things (like cleaning, playing with my kids, doing art, etc.), and I sometimes go a bit overboard with it- there are weeks that I go out every day, especially while the kids are at school.  So giving it up for a few weeks allows me to reign my life back in and focus on some other things for a while!  

Anyway, all that to explain why I had the time to do several pieces of art this week!

I really love this first piece, which is saying a lot!  You should have seen where this piece started.  I probably did three complete paintings under there before ending up with this result.  But all the layers add nice depth to it, so all that work was not lost!  I've been inspired a lot by this artist lately...

Then I did a spread in Avery's book.  It's about how much she loves things that match.  She points out matching items probably twenty times a day to us!

And finally another page in Riley's journal.  I'm still catching up for the year I lost, so these events took place last year.  He went to his first baseball game and went camping for the first time- big events in a little boy's life!

What's interesting is that in the past week, I've done three different types of art.  One Project Life page (scrapbooking), one art journal page (collage/mixed media), and one freeform piece (painting).  I know that to someone else, they may not seem that different, but to me, they each fall into a different category.  It's nice to have all three to alternate between, since they each require a different sort of thinking and concentration-they're all fun, just different kinds of fun!


MissShapes said...

I totally get how thrifting can get in the way of life! I think about it all too often, even when it is not possible to go. Giving it up for Lent is a wonderful idea...I may consider that in the future. I've already given up sweets (which is my big downfall) but next year I'm really thinking thrifting will be the bigger sacrifice!

Daniele Valois said...

oh love everything. I wish I was a thrifter, but I tell myself that I would end up spending, so I just don't do it. You always find such great things though. I imagine when all are in school full time, I may start a bit!

Now, Is it ok for me to say this?...I hope, but I totally see a robot man in your painting. I love it. I have noticed you painting a lot with the little shapes this past year, since that class. How fun. I love watching style evolve and change, but Avery's book is still so true to you, and that style. So fun for me. :)

A bird in the hand said...

This is shaping up to be another fabulous book. I love it!

Holly Loves Art said...

We love seeing your art so thank you Lent!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Giving up thrifting for Lent is very inspirational. I always enjoy seeing more of your art. It's been fun getting to know your special style. Love the colors and textures. Another great book page too.

My Vintage Mending said...

I have done this with such success. Limiting myself to my usual haunts only on scheduled days makes it very leveled. Now I find myself wanting to sew more than be out? What a wonderful gift for yourself. Beautiful pieces...smiles..Renee

Chelsea Ann said...

first off, LOVE the painting! LOVE!!!!

Second! I think it's fantastic that you have made a sacrifice that is appropriate to you personally.
If we had such great thrift stores around here I'd probably be in the same boat as you - although I did make sure when we purchased our new home that we were far away from any shopping areas, as I have a bit of a problem myself.

keep it up, I'm looking forward to seeing what else flows out of you!

Hugs ~ Chelsea Ann