
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Christmas Decor 2012

As promised, here is our Christmas decor for this year.  I haven't added anything new, but just changed things around from last year.  I was in the mood for something a little different! 
 Above is our family room.  This is where the fireplace is, thus the mantle gets decorated and the stockings get hung here.  In the past, I've put my vintage Santa collection up on the mantle, but I decided to try my Putz house collection here this year.  With all the pastels of the houses, the stockings I made matched beautifully!  We have two sets of stockings, so the others are hanging in the hallway.
 Here's a closer view.  Yes, I do have doll furniture on the shelves.  No, my husband does not like it!  And yes, I also get to decorate around a hamster cage setup as well!
 Here's just the fireplace without all the extraneous other stuff around!
 Ah, those pastel colors are all just so pretty cropped in like this!
 Also included on the mantel are some of my vintage ornaments in glass urns.
 I mounted the little Santa and sleigh up on the wall- I think that's my favorite part!
Besides the fireplace, the other area I decorate is our front room.  We keep our tree there, as well as the large hutch below.
 Most of the decor in here is the same as last year, but since the Putz houses are on the mantle now, the Santa collection has moved into the hutch.
 They fit rather nicely on the top shelf!
 It's so hard to get photos because of the glass doors!
The tall guy in the middle is my very favorite!
This is how far I've gotten so far.  Our tree is decorated as well, but I didn't take a picture of that.  I still haven't put up the Christmas dollhouse or the tree in our bedroom to hold my vintage ornaments.  I may skip out on the second tree this year- I'm feeling a little lazy- ha ha!  But I do hope to put out the dollhouse again.  Or perhaps I'll do up one of my "new" dollhouses this year.  I'll have to think about that!  I'll make sure to show you what I decide!
Hope you're all having a fun start to the Christmas season!


A bird in the hand said...

Just beautiful! But then I would expect no less from you! xoxo

Musings from Kim K. said...

Love the putz house display. Santa and his sleigh are perfect flying above the sweet little village. Your hutch is just bursting with vintage goodness. I'll be coming back to visit your special collection. Can't wait to see the Christmas dollhouse too! wink wink.

vintage grey said...

Corey your Putz display is so beautiful, and I love your collection of Santa's!! So sweet!! xo Heather

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hi Corey! I love your vintage Putz village and ornaments and those super sweet stockings!! Your vintage Santa collection is fabulous, too!

Erica of Golden Egg Vintage said...

It's Christmas Perfection! I love it all. Especially your Putz collection and the stockings!
Great Job and Happy Holidays!
Erica :)

My Vintage Mending said...

Oh my word. that Santa sleigh in on the wall is fabulous. Makes me want to move some furniture around. What we don't all have doll furniture in every room. I thought we did...I do...smiles..Renee

Simply Shelley said...

Its all very wonderful have such a fun home...I love visiting all through the year,but your Christmas decorations make it a very special visit :) Thanks for sharing with us....blessings

Anonymous said...

just love your home!

Sew Grown said...

I love the flying Santa!!

Les journaux d'Isabelle said...


it's very very very beautifull..
i love

OliversForest said...

gorgeous as usual! the stockings are my favorite part!