I hope all of you have a great week, and a blessed holiday season!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
I hope all of you have a great week, and a blessed holiday season!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Grouchy Mom
Sometimes I look at myself and wonder where this grouchy, irritable, mean person came from. How can a two-year-old and a ten-month-old do this to me? Granted, both of them have been sick this week, so things have been more difficult than normal, but lately, I just find myself yelling all day long! And then feeling guilty for yelling, because how awful is it to yell at a poor child who doesn't feel well!
And so, I felt the need to do a piece of art about this. I don't like myself when I'm so grouchy, and I really need to work on it! I'm sure that this week will get better since the kids won't be sick, and then comes Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa, so that will provide some nice relief. And then, in a couple months, my husband and I are going to Jamaica sans kids, which will be a wonderful break..., when we aren't missing the kids, of course! Oh, who knew motherhood would be such an emotional roller coaster, right? I guess I've always heard it, but until you live it, it just doesn't sink in...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Lightning McQueen and Jelly Giraffe
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Cover #3
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cute Art, Cute Kitchen
Even though I'm falling behind a bit on the boys' books, I really needed some fun art time, so I decided to do a piece in my "Self" Journal. I didn't try and convey any special meaning, or illustrate any particular event; I simply did art for the fun of it, which was wonderfully freeing! I need to do more art like that- the problem is just lack of time!
As you can see, some of the text on the piece reads "you receive this small gift from me". This represents the fact that I was giving myself a gift by allowing myself to do this piece without any obligation or expectation. And I quite like the result, if I do say so myself!
I also wanted to show you the adorably cute doll-sized kitchen set I found on Ebay. Isn't it wonderful? The colors are just perfect in my studio- I absolutely love it! What's funny, though, is that I've collected a few different vintage doll stoves, etc., and I really don't even cook myself! I'm one of those lucky girls whose husband does most of the cooking, so I'm not quite sure where my fondness for miniature appliances comes from! I guess maybe it's the "miniature" aspect of it- I'm always a sucker for anything that is miniaturized...
Anyway, hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I've got an extra little turkey cooking in my little oven here, if anyone wants to come join me!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Creeping and Standing
Monday, November 05, 2007
Cowardly Lion, Some Art, and My Last Name

And finally, Beth left me a comment with a funny question the other day. She wants to know how to pronounce my last name! I know, it's a hard one! When I met my husband I wanted to know the same thing! So here goes: "Moort" rhymes with "fort" and "gat" rhymes with "cat". Hope that helps- I've heard it pronounces some crazy ways, so now maybe you guys can spread the word!
Have a great week!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Life

Sorry for not posting recently, but our camera has gone "Kaput!", so I haven't been able to download any photos of art I've done. However, it's all for the better, because we've ordered a totally cool, super-duper new one that I hope will take great photos, and it's a pretty red color to boot!
But I did remember that I had this photo already downloaded of the limited edition piece of art which was included with the signed copies of my book. I think most people have received theirs, so I can show it to all of you now. I didn't actually title it, but I guess if I did, I would call it "My Life". It says "Oh, how different my life is now. But I wouldn't change a minute of it." and "For my own self I live and for my children." I think the meaning to my own life is probably clear, but I tried to make it universal, too, so that it could apply to lots of people, since it will be going to lots of people.
I do still have a few of the signed copies left, but they're almost gone. A few people have expressed interest, but haven't given me contact information to which to send an invoice (Cindy S-E and Mary Lib-Stine), so if you guys are reading, please email me at appendageassemblage at hotmail dot com so I can send you an invoice!
And a big thank you to those who have written positive reviews for me on Amazon! I love hearing from people directly, but for some reason, having it out there on Amazon for everyone to read somehow seems so official!!
And finally, before I go, the lovely Erika tagged me a while ago, and I'm just getting around to playing. This is the one where you write something about each letter of your middle name. Mine's Marie (isn't everybody's?).
M: Mother- well, this one's obvious!
A: Anal-retentive- I'm completely anal about most things- how I decorate, how I organize, etc.
R: Responsible- You can always count on me-I'm incredibly responsible!
I: Imperfect- Sometimes I still need to remind myself that I'm allowed to be imperfect.
E: Energy-lacking- see "M" above!
Monday, October 22, 2007
They're On Their Way!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
In Loving Memory...
Saturday, October 06, 2007

And yes, I do still have a couple more copies before I hit my 25 limit, so hurry, hurry if you don't want to miss out! Or if you don't need a signed copy, there's an Amazon link right over to the left there to order it from there!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
One for Noah, One for Riley
A few of you expressed amazement at how organized everything is in the studio, but in reality, it's not that difficult for me to maintain that. For most of my artwork, I use very limited supplies. Some papers out of a file cabinet, some paint, and glue. That's it! So I don't make much of a mess when I work, thus making it pretty easy to clean up! But, at the same time, those of you who know me will attest to the fact that I'm pretty anal, so that helps as well....!

Strangely enough, a few days after this trip, I was looking on ebay and came across these little fireman valentine images. They could not have been more perfect! They look just like Noah in his little hat!
That's it for now! There are still a few signed copies of my book left, as well as the ephemera packs.... let me know if anyone's interested!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
A Gazillion Pictures of My Studio
Hi Guys! I know that several times I've mentioned working on my studio and have promised photos. Well, finally I've taken the time to actually shoot them! As you can see, there are lots! I went a little crazy, but I know that I'm always interested to see the littlest details when I see others' workspaces, so I figure others share that sentiment as well.
Bathroom, obviously: