
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm A Project Life Convert! (or Am I A Scrapbooker Now?)

First I'll give you some background, for those of you that may be newer followers of my blog.  I've always considered myself a collage artist vs. a true scrapbooker.  While I keep scrapbooks for my kids (here, here, and  here), I do them in more of a collage style than a scrapbooking style.  I love the books I've done, but as we have added children to the family, it's become more and more difficult to keep up with journals for all three kids!  I've tried to make sure I do spreads for the younger two, but as a result, I've neglected doing them for my oldest.  The last spread I did for him was when he turned five, and he's almost 6 1/2 now!

So lately, I've started hearing about Project Life, a new scrapbooking system by Becky Higgins.  It consists of divided pages that house 4x6 items and 3x4 items.  In addition, you may then purchase kits that have 4x6 and 3x4 decorated cards to fit into the slots, to supplement your photos. 

I thought it may be a perfect solution to my dilemma.  I can keep up with the collage style of book for Avery (until she turns five), and then use Project Life books for Noah and Riley (Noah turns five in two weeks).

I decided to take the jump and give it a try.  I ordered one set of pages and one core kit.  And, dare I say it, but I think I may be hooked!  I've done three spreads, and they went so much more quickly and easily than my typical collage spreads.  While they lack a little bit of the artistic, more personal aspect of my collage journals, I think I'll actually be able to keep up with them!  And that's exactly what I needed!

I went on a little bit of a shopping spree (if you can call it a spree- we only have one scrapbook store in town other than Michael's, JoAnn's, and Hobby Lobby), and bought some scrapbooking supplies that I thought would be good supplements to the kit, and then organized everything all nice and pretty!

 Anytime I'm going to work on a Project Life page, I can just pull out these two containers, and I have everything I need!   

So now, after a novel of explanation above (!), here are the results of it all:

Since I stopped Riley's last journal at age five, I'm backtracking and doing some pages from the past year.  The above talks about some of his interests- tools and science.

 Then this page talks about some of the things he's accomplished in the past year- "walking" across the monkey bars, riding his bike, climbing the steps of a lighthouse.

And the last page talks about his and Noah's relationship, and how he enjoys the responsibility of being a big brother.

On some of the pages, I added my own 4x6 and 3x4 cards that were cut from scrapbook paper, when  I couldn't find ones from the kit that worked.  I have a feeling I'll do that a lot, just because I can never do anything by the rules (ha ha!).  But what's so great is that the kit sort of give me a starting point, and I can expand from there.

So anyway, there you have it!  I guess I'm a real scrapbooker now!

By the way, thanks to those of you who asked me some questions in the last post!  Daniele, this post should answer most of yours, I think, and I'll get to the other questions soon for the rest of you!  Feel free to ask away if anybody else has questions!


A bird in the hand said...

In your hands, it looks much more :)

Rose Garden Romantic said...

I may have to try this. It looks pretty easy and you did a great job adding in your artistic style!

Daniele Valois said...

You really did stay true to your style, which I just love, and you've shown that that can be done with this!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I love all your added embellishments. What treasures for your children. A lot of precious memories preserved with your art. Beautiful, Corey.

LV said...

I am not into that sort of thing anymore. It is definitely a great idea, and I am sure you will do fine with yours.

My Vintage Mending said...

I was a heavy scrap booker. Then it became overwhelming. Almost to the point of too much. This seems way more logical. I love how you added your touches so it is not so matchy matchy...smiles...Renee

Les journaux d'Isabelle said...


yes yes yes that super project life.

I also began this project and I like.

Your project begins very very well and you have lost your style.

Isabelle alias scrapsynthe

Daniele Valois said...

Corey, not sure if you got my email. I am happy to see what you have in the kit.

Also, I noticed you have craft paint in this pic. Do you use craft paints for your journals? I use a mix of cheap and nice, but I realize craft paint is so easy to write over, as it is so matte. Just wondering your thoughts on that, and what you are using. I am in love with Liquitex heavy body, but so expensive, and maybe to glossy for mixed media! ???

Chelsea Ann said...

I think this is an amazing way to keep up with everything that is going on in your busy family! I must keep this in mind!

Unknown said...

I have been walking around the "edge" of this type of scrapbooking for awhile sons are grown, so I would have to do more photos than writing....but I love the pieces you used, like the vintage boy on the bike....where did you go to get that kind of ephemera???? I know if I start I have to go forward so I have been not doing anything for quite seems I get right to the start line and poop out! These are wonderful pages!

OliversForest said...


A Mother and A Daughter said...

Those pages look great! Bet your children love them!
Also, we were honored with the Liebster Blog Award and we are excited to pass it on to you! Head over to Friday 1/27 to check out the details! ~ Barbara and Alicia

Les journaux d'Isabelle said...


Becky's project is very attractive, this file is so easy to use.

But I like dashing challenges, I like my waste(old) papers, I like creating and seeing the evolution.

My pages will be different and are going to evolve as time goes by.
It is what what interests me in this project.

Can be that next year, I shall tempt the book dress handkerchief... Can be... hihihihhi

Good day

Unknown said...

OMG I am doing a life journal too! I posted mine here:

I love how your pages turned out!! Enjoy!

Sandy xox