
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New Steps for the Keystone

Here's something I've been working on the past few days.  Well, I guess I should say, "We've been working on", since my husband did a good deal of the work!

When I got my Keystone dollhouse, it was a bit run-down.  One of its main issues was the absence of stairs. As you can see in the above photo, it had the top step, and it had the bottom step (guess you can't see the bottom one in the photo!), but nothing in between!

I knew from research online that the steps should look like these above, so I asked my husband whether he could make some for me.  

We removed the bottom step, and he used it as a template to cut more steps, like the one above.  I forgot to take a photo, but after cutting the steps, he added another flat 1/8" piece on the top for the overhang, which he bevelled to resemble the original step.

I painted them to match, then glued them all together over the course of a couple days.  Since they were on a curve, I had to wait for each section to dry before adding to it!

Here they are being propped up while they are finally glued in their final position.

And you thought I was done there, didn't you?  Nope, when I acquired the dollhouse, there was also this remnant of paper included.  It was initially longer, and ran the length of the steps.  It's hard to find photos with this paper attached, because most houses lost this piece through the years.  So I took the above photo, and edited it in PicMonkey.  

I used the "cloning" tool, and was able to recreate the step paper into this!  Aren't computers great?

I butted several of the images up together to make an entire stairway...

 ...and here it is attached to my new stairs!

The lady of the house is very pleased!  She can now get up to the second floor to begin decorating!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Your stairwell turned out very very well. I'm super impressed that you even got your hubby involved. Love what you did with Picmonkey too. I splurged on Strombecker furniture on etsy and will be revealing my same Keystone dollhouse later this week. Hugs from another Keystone addict!

My Vintage Mending said...

Corey these are such great improvements. I can't believe how spot on they turned out. I wonder if the lady of the house minds if I take the room upstairs? Smiles...Renee

missann said...

oh, those stairs look awesome! I can't wait to get mine started!

sarah said...

that is amazing! especially the paper border on the steps - you clever woman!

Les journaux d'Isabelle said...


this is beautifull, i love this house.
It is the work to redo them.

à bientôt