
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What is Creativity?

I'm working on filling out a questionnaire for Rice Freeman-Zachary about creativity. She's collecting these questionnaires from several artists to compile into a possible book. There's a written questionnaire with lots of questions about creativity and the creative lifestyle, and then there's also a smaller questionnaire that we're supposed to "decorate" to reflect our style. I've finished the written one, and still have a bit to do on the artsy one.

Anyway, in filling out the questions, I had to think a lot about creativity. One of the questions was "How do you define creativity?" Here is how I answered:

"To me, a creative person is one who constantly has new, artistic ideas. They are never at a loss for ideas of things to make, ways to alter things, what to do. I personally don't feel like I'm an exceptionally "creative" person. I'm not the sort of person who always has a fun crafty idea in mind. In fact, quite often, I'm at a loss for ideas. Maybe it's just a question of semantics, but I instead think of myself as an exceptionally "artistic" person. Everything I do, I do artistically. If I'm decorating, I decorate beautifully and artistically. If I'm doing a piece of art, it is executed artistically. But I'm not the one to think of new ways to do transfers, or find a new use for duct tape, or create a new technique that nobody's seen before. Those things are more creative to me- I wish that I possessed a bit more of that!"

I don't know- maybe I'm just stuck on the word "creativity", but I really see a difference in being creative and being artistic. I think someone can definitely be both, but I also think that someone can be one and not the other. I personally find myself lacking an excess of creativity, but I do feel I'm very artistic.

So, that's just a little food for thought today. It was an interesting question for me, and thought others might like to give it some thought as well. The photos interspersed throughout the post are little snippets of the artsy questionnaire I did- I don't think I'll show the whole thing because of the possibility of it being in a book...


Anonymous said...

Well then you and I should definitely work more together as a team because I feel like I am an extremely creative person (not just with making art, but with general life problem-solving as well) but I rarely ever feel like I too much artistically, and I'm always wishing I was more artistic. I have plenty of great ideas, but I usually get hung up on how to execute them! Very interesting--we're like the sisters, Snow White and Rose Red--each with beauty yet one complements the other!

Anonymous said...

Not only are you artistic, but your 'personal style' is reflected in all you do. Everything speaks of 'Corey'!


Creativity is about letting everything flow and not thinking about being creative. We are all creative to a certain extent. Some know how to flow with it better than others.Open up to all possibilities. I think that it is about letting ideas flow without giving much thought to it.It is about getting into a certain state of thinking or working. It is like brainstorming. Sometimes things just appear and we run with it.


Creativity is about letting everything flow and not thinking about being creative. We are all creative to a certain extent. Some know how to flow with it better than others.Open up to all possibilities. I think that it is about letting ideas flow without giving much thought to it.It is about getting into a certain state of thinking or working. It is like brainstorming. Sometimes things just appear and we run with it.