Next was an Ebay win I've been waiting for. It is a yard of fabric. Isn't this the cutest? And such wonderful colors! Another to add to my pile of "soft books to make". It will be perfect for a book because of the "story-telling" sorts of images.
Then a package from each of my sisters-belated birthday gifts! My sister, Katie, had some stamps made from a photo of Riley. I've thought of doing this myself, but never got around to it. What a neat idea for a gift though! And my sister, Julia, sent two carved pieces of wood- I think they were used for printmaking or something similar. Wow! Maybe they're finally starting to "get" me, because these are all things I would have picked out myself!
So, being me (and what a fun ride that is sometimes!), I couldn't just leave things as they were. I wasn't sure where to display the carved pieces, and they were so dark it was hard to see the details, so I decided to make some alterations! I hope my sister doesn't mind, but I'm sure it's something she'd almost expect of me. Anyway, a
little paint and some wire, and I now have two really cute photoframes! I love them!
And by the way, isn't that photo of Riley a nice one? It's amazing how playing around with the contrast and color on a photo can change it. That photo was originally in color, and he was wearing bright pajamas, and now it looks like a studio portrait!
That's it for today- tomorrow I hope to get a Father's Day present made!